Quick Start Guide to Building a Renewable Referrals Strategy

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So You’re Looking to Generate More Leads for Your Business?

That’s fantastic, one sign of having some healthy marketing goals. You’ve figured out that if you can get your message out to more prospects, you’ll make more sales, and ultimately enjoy higher profits.

The Thing Is… You’ll Only Ever Encounter Three Kinds of Business Leads: Hot, Cold, and Warm.

The hot ones, we’re not even going to talk about. You’ve got them covered, a slam dunk, yours to lose.

You might already be shivering at the prospect of those cold leads, because you know exactly who they are. They’re total strangers. They know nothing about your business, nothing about what you sell, and have no idea how badly they need you.

The warm ones, now, that’s another matter entirely.

These leads are halfway ready to buy. They somehow know you, like you, and trust you already. It’s almost like someone’s been nurturing them along through your sales funnel a while before you ever even hear of them. They’re nearly ready to sign on the dotted line, showing up ‘sold’ before you even get to do your spiel.

Why are they primed and ready before they reach you? Someone else got them that way. Someone else sang your praises, swore by you, and told them they’d be crazy to go anywhere else for the solution you offer.

Warm leads are the result of areferral marketing.

What if you could get more of these warm leads on a regular basis? Think that might have a positive impact on your business? Think that might change everything? Good thinking.

The “Quick Start Guide to Building a Renewable Referrals Strategy” was written by Ray L. Perry, an Atlanta based Marketing Consultant, Business Advisor, Author of “Guide to Marketing your Business Online” (2011)

“Renewable Referrals” (2014) and “The Small Business Owners Guide to Local Lead Generation” (2015) and a Master Marketing Consultant certified by Duct Tape Marketing.

The Free eBook “Building Renewable Referrals” is available in our Free Marketing Training Membership Portal called Need MarketingClick here to receive the Free eBook “Building Renewable Referrals” plus many other Free eBooks and Videos.

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