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What Are The 5 Key Points You Need To Know In Order To Turn Your Business Into A Customer Growth Machine?
Here’s A Quick Primer!
There are some undeniable truths about marketing that can make or break your business growth. If you don’t know about them, or if you know about them and ignore them, it can slow your business growth to a crawl. In some cases, it can even stop it altogether.
Are you finding that your business just isn’t experiencing the growth you want to see? Are you having trouble converting prospects into paying clients? Keep reading for five important marketing truths you need to know, because they play a significant role in determining the speed at which your business grows.
Truth #1: Your Message Must Connect with Your Audience
This may be one of the biggest mistakes business owners make: their marketing message is simply not connecting with their customers. It’s important to understand nobody really wants to buy what you have to sell. What they want to buy is a solution to their problem.
If you can’t properly identify their problem, you will not be able to sell them your product or service. It doesn’t matter how highly skilled your technicians are or how many years you’ve been in business. Most of the time, your clients don't even care about those things. They just want their problem solved.
Once you’ve shown them you understand what their problem is and that what you do will solve it for them, they're happy to buy whatever you have to offer. They just want to know it will make their problem go away.
The Customer Growth Machine will show you how to identify your ideal client. We’ll then teach you methods that will help you uncover the problems your clients want to solve. We’ll also show you how to grab their attention with your headlines and even more importantly, how to keep it.
You’ll discover how to structure your messages to laser-target their specific problems in a way that connects with the core issues your audience is hoping you can help them resolve. This lets your client know you truly understand them and opens up massive opportunities for increasing your business.
Truth #2: A Successful Website Has Specific Elements
By now, all business owners know they need an online presence. What many don't realize is that today, a website must be more than just a presence. It should be a presence with a strong purpose.
When you put forth the time and effort necessary to develop your business website the right way and know how to incorporate it into your marketing strategy, your website will be your hardest working employee. You can give it many jobs to perform, and it will work tirelessly for you 24/7/365 with no complaints or sick days.
Your website is the tool that helps your business get noticed, builds trust in what you do, and helps to educate and inform your clients—just to name a few of the ongoing tasks it handles. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the moment a prospect lands on your website, you have only a few seconds to convince them they need to stay there.
What your prospects see, hear and experience in those first few seconds is vital to keeping them there long enough for them to realize you have the solution for their pressing problems.
Your website has two main goals:
- To tell a compelling story
- To guide your client further in their online journey through your website
The problem is, many business owners are telling the wrong story. Some are offering no guidance at all in moving their clients forward. And many lack the crucial “must-have” elements that make a website truly valuable.
In week two of the Customer Growth Machine, we teach you how to make the most of your website by identifying all the elements it needs to have in order to help your business grow and prosper. With our guidance, your site will capture your visitor's attention, and the story you tell will keep them there.
FREE 15 Point Website Homepage Checklist
Turn your Website Homepage into a Lead Generating Machine! These days, your website needs to be more than a digital brochure. It must become your 24/7/365 always-working sales representative. Learn how to turn your website homepage into a Lead Generating Machine. Download the 15-Point Website Homepage Checklist Now!
Truth #3: You Need a Steady Flow of Leads to Your Website
It's true; you do need a steady influx of potential customers visiting your site daily. One of the most tried and true methods of generating traffic is through the effective use of content.
Like so many other online areas, the meaning of content has changed over time. In years past, you could drive traffic with blog posts and articles, but it required massive amounts of thinly written content.
Today’s market is savvier, so today's content must reflect that consumer knowledge. People still need an education on what you offer, but they also want some entertainment. Think of it as "edutainment," if you will.
The good news is you no longer need to pump out voluminous numbers of articles and blog posts to drive traffic and leads to your website. A few engaging, high-quality pieces of content will be enough to get you through a year of content marketing.
You may wonder how that’s possible. We teach you how to decide what kind of content you should focus on and show you several different ways to get maximum leverage from a minimal amount of content.
Not only will you be able to use curation, collaboration, and repurposing to extend the life of your content, we’ll give you a system you can plug it into that will gain traction as it lives on your website month after month. It will continue to build value exponentially over time. In the Customer Growth Machine, we’ll show you how to put together a content plan so complete it will take you through the next six months.
Truth #4: You Don’t Need Just Leads, You Need Paying Clients
If you ask an internet marketer today how they generate leads, more than likely they'll say they use a funnel of some sort. Today’s marketers love their funnels because they can literally "set it and forget it." It's automated! When it's working smoothly, a good funnel can deliver hundreds, even thousands, of new leads every day.
That’s all well and good, but leads don’t buy products and services; customers and clients do. The goal is to turn those leads into buying customers and returning clients on a consistent basis.
So how do you make sure you’re generating clients and not just leads? We think it’s important to incorporate a conversion system with any lead funnel you may be using or considering. By adding a conversion element to a lead generation funnel, it puts you in front of qualified candidates, rather than a truckload of prospects that can be mostly tire-kickers and freebie-seekers.
It allows you to calculate accurately how many contacts you’ll need to make to get the number of clients you want to work with, because you’ve already sent them through a “pre-qualifying” filter.
If you build a system that’s capable of bringing in a consistent stream of qualified prospects, it will save you time and spare you the headaches so often associated with all the moving parts of a typical lead generation funnel.
As you get further into the Customer Growth Machine, you'll learn exactly how to set up your client generating system. We'll utilize your ideal client and a piece of your value-laden content to set up a system that ultimately gives you the opportunity to offer even more value to those who respond.
Truth #5: To Be Successful, Your Clients Must Be Raving Fans
How do you turn clients into raving fans? Two words: Customer experience. If they have a good customer experience, they may become a repeat customer. But if they have a great customer experience, they'll become a raving fan…and they'll tell everyone they know about it!
On the flip side, there’s another type of client who will also tell everyone they know about you and your business. That’s the unhappy one. The dissatisfied client. The one who, for whatever reason, had a bad customer experience with some aspect of your business.
It’s important to do all you can do to keep that from happening, but realize it will likely happen at some point, despite your best efforts. Try to make amends, offer an apology, and then move on.
Put your focus on making your client's experience the very best it can be. (All the cool businesses are doing it.) Google rewards its advertisers who give their searchers the best user experience. Amazon's mission statement is that they want to be the "Earth's most customer-centric company."
Part of the reason both these behemoth companies are so enormous is that they focus so much time, effort, and attention to creating a smooth, effortless customer experience. Today’s customer is much more in charge of their buying experience than they’ve ever been before. But you still have control over an important element of marketing…their customer experience with every phase of your business or service.
What you may not realize is that their experience usually begins long before you’re even aware of their interest. How do you make sure they have a great customer experience if you’re not even sure when it begins?
When you have the Customer Growth Machine on your side, we can help you with that. We can teach you how to make sure your clients have an incredible customer experience with you. And we can show you how to build a hugely profitable service, one that will wow your clients and turn them into raving fans. Once that system is in place, getting new clients becomes almost effortless.
If you put your focus on your client, see things through their eyes, feel their pain, solve their problems and try to make their experience with your business like none other, you can’t help but be successful.
Are you ready to get started with the Customer Growth Machine, transform your business, and connect with more paying clients than ever before? Then click the button below.
Meet Ray L. Perry
Ray is the founder of MarketBlazer, Inc., a technology based marketing agency specializing in small business lead generation, lead conversion, and customer engagement. Ray is a Master Marketing Consultant certified by Duct Tape Marketing and a Certified StoryBrand Guide. He is also co-author of the recent Amazon Bestseller The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Local Lead Generation.