If you want to become an expert in your industry you should check out these ten steps. They will help you. Becoming an expert is a good idea because you can use the knowledge to make more money. You can also help others in the same industry which can make you feel good as well as helping you build connections.
Key Takeaways:
- When attempting to learn about an industry rapidly, try locating some of the most well-regarded literature on the domain. In this day and age of internet shopping with purchase reviews to guide us, you can quickly get a sense of books that are well-regarded by others.
- Every industry has experts, and generally there is no shortage of folks who are happy to share their thoughts and general observations through various forums.
- If you are new to a domain and looking to rapidly immerse yourself, invest in education seminars or courses. In some cases, local community colleges may offer an affordable option to learn about a specific topic.
“If you are new to a domain and looking to rapidly immerse yourself, invest in education seminars or courses.”