IAB has created a web marketing forum where like-minded individuals can come together and share and take ideas from each other on how to better market their products. The forum can serve as a brainstorming session for buyers and a lesson-learned forum on what works and what does not in an increasingly competitive and lucrative area of business.
Key Takeaways:
- In the tenth year of mobile apps, Flurry Analytics found that overall mobile app usage grew another 11%, and time-spent in apps grew by 69%.
- While usage and time-spent continue to grow ten years into their adoption, it’s becoming more and more difficult for app developers and marketers to compete for consumer attention.
- To advance the discussion of app marketing best practices for buyers, and because buyers today face many choices when planning their campaigns, the working group put together “App Marketing: Top Evaluation Criteria for Buyers” to help them compare the wide variety of providers offering access to mobile audiences.
“As an emerging marketing discipline, app marketers experiment with different providers, target audiences, and creatives, testing new ideas for their campaigns.”