Marketing Trends: Must-Read News for Modern Marketers

In review of the 2016 year in marketing, here is a recap of a few good sources and insights for marketing professionals. First, there is an article in Forbes that discusses CMO spending and the fact that marketing departments with P&L responsibilities receive larger budgets. Second, there is an article about customer service. Third, we see a focus from Forbes on data driven decisions. Fourth is an article from Gartner discussing the fact that CMOs in 2017 will likely spend more on technology than CIOs. Fifth, we hear from Tina Moffett on engagement in the workplace. Sixth is a 2017 marketing prediction from Scott Brinker. Last is an updated from Proctor and Gamble on how they will be making changes for the new year.

Read more: Marketing Trends: Must-Read News for Modern Marketers