Creating your company’s own content marketing strategies may seem daunting at first glance, but with a few simple steps you can have an efficient and working business plan that will ease your year. There are multiple steps that go into creating a content marketing strategy, and knowing how to document our strategy well is one of the most important. Your content marketing strategy should answer several major questions for your business model. For example, who is your company’s audience? For more examples and an in-depth look at how you can improve your content marketing strategy, visit the full article.
Key Takeaways:
- I already know what you’re thinking. You saw the words content marketing and strategy together in the headline and thought, “Oh, cool, another article telling me how important it is to have and actually write down my strategy — just what I need.”
- You already know that having and documenting your strategy is important because you’ve probably read the same reports and case studies that my team and I have read.
- The marketing team at Influence & Co. spent the last couple months of 2016 carefully researching, planning, and creating a content marketing strategy for this year.
“89 percent of B2B marketers use content, yet only 37 percent have documented strategies.”