3 Lazy SEO Tips to Jumpstart Customer Acquisition

SEO is a foundation of many customer acquisition tactics, true. But instead of focusing only on your main keywords, target long tail ones as well. The aim with this strategy is not to increase traffic from search engines though. It’s to increase conversions by targeting phrases that will result in sales. Yes, there mightn’t be that many visitors searching for those keywords. Those that do however can convert pretty well. Developing guides can also be a huge investment, both in time and money.

Key Takeaways:

  • In actuality, it’s a broader concept designed to increase authority on particular subjects and popularity among peers to increase the odds of being properly classified.
  • The third is a more recent development that employs machine learning to consider a mind-numbingly complex amount of data within half a second from receiving a search query.
  • That extends to words on a page. Sure, inserting a key-phrase X times in Y locations can help. But more importantly, is the context of topics and information around those key-phrases.

“It can get incredibly complex and time consuming on a large scale. However, it doesn’t always have to.”
